
Talleo Project
1 min readMar 4, 2020


Talleo Project is a project that aims to bring together the best cryptocurrency developers so they can collaborate to integrate multiple cryptocurrencies and websites together.

Main cryptocurrency of Talleo Project is Talleo (TLO), which is based on Bytecoin 2 with additional code from PinkstarcoinV2, Bittorium, Intense Coin, Iridium, Graft Project, Karbowanec, TurtleCoin, worktips and m0rkcoin.

Talleo Project has currently active code sharing agreement with B2B Coin, but other coins can be added later if there is large enough patch submitted that adds additional features or extensively improves existing code.

Talleo has target time of 60 seconds for each block, but the time can fluctuate between 3–4 seconds and 10 minutes depending on network activity as each block must include at least one fusion transaction or regular transfer between two users.

Minimum and default network fee of Talleo is 0.01 per transaction, and transaction can contain multiple transfers as long as the total size is less than the maximum allowed size for transaction. Every 5 blocks, maximum size is increased by 1 byte.

Talleo is currently listed on Argentine based exchange C-PatEx with trading pairs TLO-BTC, TLO-ETH and TLO-LTC. We are planning on listing Talleo on other exchanges with more trading volume.



Talleo Project

Cryptocurrency based on CryptoNote using CryptoNight Ultra Variant 2.